
MAAG Halle, Club, Zürich

ABOUT choreographers night

Tauchen Sie ein in eine magische Welt, in der Musik und Tanz die Sinne berühren und Herzen zum Schwingen bringen. Die Choreographers Night ist die ultimative Bühne für Schweizer Choreographinnen und Tänzerinnen, die ihre gemeinsame Leidenschaft zelebrieren und sich gegenseitig inspirieren. Einmal im Jahr erwacht diese Show zum Leben und vereint die unglaublich talentierte und leidenschaftliche Tanzcommunity der Schweiz.

Im Preis mitinbegriffen ist der Eintritt zur Afterparty ab 23 Uhr!

Immerse yourself in a magical world where music and dance touch the senses and make hearts vibrate. Choreographers Night is the ultimate stage for Swiss choreographers and dancers to celebrate their shared passion and inspire each other. Once a year, this show comes to life and unites Switzerland's incredibly talented and passionate dance community.

Included in the price is the entrance to the afterparty from 23h!

The CHOREOGRAPHERS NIGHT is a dance event held in Zurich, Switzerland giving Swiss Choreographers and Dancers a platform where they come together to show their creativity and share their passion for dance. A showcase where choreographers can have free artistic expression without the constraints of an artist, a director or a script.

Instead of having dance crews be the center of attention it's the choreographers and their individual dancers. It’s not about who does it best but about sharing the love and passion for dance and supporting each other within our small but very talented Swiss dance community.

Different choreographers are chosen in advance and asked to choreograph and create a piece with dancers of their choice which they will present at the showcase of the CHOREOGRAPHERS NIGHT. There’s neither a price to win nor judges to judge but concerning the shows there is no limit of creativity for the choreographers nor the dancers.

Eversince the first edition lauched in 2016 the event has been reorganised every year. The CHOREOGRAPHERS NIGHT is a highly appreciated platform of the Swiss dance community bringing together over 80 Swiss and international dancers creating a space of love for dance, passion and support.